How To Do A Burnout In An Automatic | Useful Observation

Burnouts are an exciting and adrenaline-pumping stunt many car enthusiasts love performing. While most people assume that burnouts can only be done in manual transmissions, they can also be performed in automatics.

It requires a different approach and technique than doing it in a manual transmission. If you’re wondering how to do a burnout in an automatic, then you’ve come to the right place. We will guide you through step-by-step instructions on burnout in an automatic.

Without damaging your car’s transmission. Whether for fun or competition purposes, mastering the art of doing a burnout in an automatic will undoubtedly add excitement to your driving experience. So let’s get started!

Why Do Burnouts?

Even though models are not specifically designed for burnout, it is still possible to perform the feat. It is because burnouts are more straightforward and can be executed with almost any vehicle.

Even popular models like the Ford Mustang have a special mode that simplifies driving and makes it easier to achieve a successful burnout. Before attempting such stunts, consider your vehicle’s internal part’s health. 

You should only perform impressive burnouts when your car is in excellent working order, as this will prevent damage to the engine or other critical components. While burnouts may not be practical or necessary for everyday driving, they remain an exciting and impressive display of automotive skill.

How To Do A Burnout In An Automatic

When tires start spinning, it’s hard to ignore the chaos. The smoke they inhale and their noise can upset everyone around. Burnouts come in different types and sizes, from large, irate ones of muscle cars like the Ford Mustang, Dodge Charger, or E63 AMG Mercedes to squealy, unpleasant rubber-burning sessions of Honda Civic-style front-wheel-drive (FWD) vehicles. Regardless of the type, burnouts are undoubtedly a sight to behold!

The Subaru Impreza WRXs are known for their excessively rapid motion, which causes heat and friction. This unique feature enables the driver to burn rubber while navigating the intersection, making it an impressive sight.

The all-wheel drive (AWD) jumps from meeting to stoplight are a signature move of these cars that never cease to amaze. Similarly, motorcycles doing a burnout at a stoplight generate a lot of noise when their tires achieve their max grip on the road. These vehicles represent their drivers’ thrill-seeking nature and leave a lasting impression wherever they go.

Biologists have been intrigued by the behaviour of drivers who give the middle finger when their tires achieve maximum speed. This phenomenon has been observed for over a century, and researchers are still trying to understand the motivation behind such displays.

Some speculate that drivers may be warming up their fresh tires in preparation for an upcoming drag race, hoping to increase grip and gain an advantage over their opponents.

Others suggest that drivers do it because they want to, perhaps to express frustration or excitement. Whatever the reason, this behaviour continues to fascinate scientists and car enthusiasts alike.

How to do Burnouts in Automatic

Performing a burnout in an automatic car involves applying firm pressure on the accelerator while using the brakes to keep the vehicle in place. It causes the driven wheels to turn and attempt to move the car forward, but the brakes prevent it. 

How To Do A Burnout In An Automatic

The spinning of the driven wheels burns the rubber on the tires, hence the term “burnout.” If you want to try this out in your 2002 Hyundai Tiburon, press 1 on your automatic transmission, hold both the brake and accelerator and release the brake to make your tires spin. Do this safely and without endangering yourself or others.

Is Doing Burnouts Illegal?

Doing a burnout is not only reckless and dangerous but also illegal. It involves playing with fire and leaving a trail of burnt rubber on the road. In addition to being a nuisance, it can cause damage to property and lead to severe consequences.

The punishment for causing damage to property while doing burnouts can be up to approximately. $1,000 if you even have permission from the landowner in the first place. 

Many parking lots have painted lines that indicate where cars should park, and spinning your tires or engaging in other careless behaviour will wear out those lines quickly. Many private buildings now have cameras that can read your license plate, so there’s no escaping the consequences of your actions.

If you are wondering whether burnout is illegal, the answer is yes, it is. There are a few more things to consider before you decide to do one on a public road.

  • Check if any individuals are nearby and ensure that the road is not blocked by anything. 
  • Watch out for incoming vehicles, as this can be dangerous. 
  • If you’re attending a car and coffee event and look like a Ford Mustang driver, it’s safe to assume that you’re okay with breaking any local laws that forbid it. 

Remember that burnouts can inevitably lead to accidents or damage to your vehicle. So please think twice before doing burnout; it’s not worth the risk or the legal trouble.

How To Do A Burnout In An Automatic (Front Wheel Drive)

If you’re planning to do a burnout in an automatic front-wheel-drive car, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. 

How To Do A Burnout In An Automatic

  • You should turn off the traction control if your vehicle allows it. It will give you more control over the car’s power and make it easier to spin the tires. It’s essential to consult your owner’s manual for specific instructions on properly doing this. 
  • You’ve turned off the traction control, engage the emergency brake by pulling the lever until firmly locked. This step is crucial because it closes the back tires in position, allowing the front wheels to spin freely and create that classic burnout effect.
  • Once ready, take your foot off the brakes and press down on the throttle immediately. It is when you should perform a burnout, and your front tires should begin spinning rapidly.
  •  It’s important to note that burnout can be dangerous and should only be done in a safe environment under proper supervision. It can be an exciting way to show off your car’s power and impress others if done correctly.
  • It is important to remember that if you notice your front tires are not spinning or if you can’t see or smell burned tires, you should stop your car immediately. 
  • Continuing to drive in this condition can cause severe damage to your vehicle and put you at risk for accidents. 

It’s always better to be cautious and address potential issues immediately. By stopping and assessing the situation, you can ensure the safety of yourself and those around you while preventing further damage to your car.

How To Do A Burnout In An Automatic (Rear Wheel Drive)

Accelerate too quickly, but instead, gradually build up speed. Once you’ve reached around 30 mph, turn the steering wheel sharply to one side. As the car slides, counter-steer in the opposite direction to maintain control. This manoeuvre is a power slide or burnout and can be a fun way to show off your driving skills.

It’s important to remember that burnouts can cause excessive tire wear and damage to your vehicle if done frequently or for extended periods. Always drive responsibly and within the limits of your car and driving ability.

When releasing the pressure on the brake pedal, it is important to do so gradually. It allows for a smoother transition and helps prevent sudden jerking movements that can be dangerous. Sometimes, the back tires may not spin immediately after releasing the brake pedal.

It’s important to continue gradually releasing pressure until they begin to spin. It ensures you maintain control of your vehicle while achieving the desired result. By following these guidelines, you can ensure your driving experience is safe and enjoyable.

Tips For Doing A Burnout With An Automatic Transmission?

Burnouts are a classic way to show off your car’s power, but many drivers think doing one with an automatic transmission is impossible. This isn’t the case! With a few tips and tricks up your sleeve, you can efficiently perform an impressive burnout.

How To Do A Burnout In An Automatic

  • It’s essential to use older rubber. New tires have less grip than old ones due to their smoother tread pattern. If you’re trying to do a burnout with new tires on your car, it may work better than expected. Also, ensure the surface you’re performing the burnout on is dry and free from debris such as rocks or gravel.
  • Burning rubber is a common practice among car enthusiasts who want to showcase their driving skills and the power of their vehicles. It can be challenging to spin your tires if you have traction on the ground. It is where a simple trick comes in handy – squirting water on the ground near the tire you are trying to spin.
  • Any lubricant will do when it comes to making the burnout smoke look more impressive – including oil!
  • Water reduces traction by creating a layer of lubrication between the tire and the surface, making it easier for your wheels to break loose. This technique works best on asphalt or concrete surfaces, but make sure not to use too much water as this can cause hydroplaning and loss of control. You only need enough water to dampen the area around your tire, reducing friction and increasing slipperiness.
  • To perform this trick effectively, ensure that your car’s engine is warmed up before attempting any burnouts.

Finding How to Do Burnout in An Automatic

Doing a burnout in an automatic car is easier than it may seem. With the right technique and practice, anyone can successfully execute this manoeuvre. Did we conclude from the above outlined about How To Do A Burnout In An Automatic? The key is to ensure that your car has enough power to get the wheels spinning and to use the brake and gas pedals simultaneously. 

It is important to note that burnout can be dangerous and illegal on public roads. Only attempting them in a safe and controlled environment, such as a racetrack or private property, is recommended. With these tips in mind, go ahead and give it a try – make sure you do so responsibly.


How do I customise my burnout experience?

You can adjust your work schedule, set goals, and use stress management techniques. You can listen to music or read while working to help reduce stress and improve productivity.

How can I prevent myself from becoming burned out automatically?

One way to prevent you from automatically becoming burnout is to develop a work/life balance. You can also try setting goals and working towards them rather than letting them automatically take control.